Westbrook Village

Vistas Improvement Project Update

As the summer winds down I would like to thank our maintenance staff for their hard work in kicking off the Vistas Improvement Project (VIP). They were able to accomplish several things during the hot summer months and pave the way for the subsequent VIP Phases.

Phase I addressed the replacement of 77 irrigation controllers. The irrigation controllers play a vital part in the watering of the Vistas GC. Our previous irrigation controllers had exceeded their life span and were definitely underperforming due to fatigue. We anticipated completing the removal of the old controllers and installation of the new controllers by mid September. Our staff irrigation specialists began the removal and installation process in early June and completed the project in early August.

Phase IV addressed the installation of the Polylast liner in our greenside bunkers at the Vistas GC.  We prioritized the order of bunker renovations over a three year period beginning this year and committed to do the work in-house to save labor expenses. Despite temps in the bunkers exceeding 110 degrees, we were able to install the liner and 4 inches of new bunker sand to the practice bunker, #4 bunker, and #5 bunker. We will do the same to the bunker on #10 and front bunker at hole #14 later this summer. 

Phase II of the VIP is the installation of dual greenside sprinklers so as to water turf and greens separately. We were exploring avenues of reducing our water usage at the Lakes GC and identified a positive outcome for the VIP Phase II.  This fall we will remove  approximately six acres of non playable turf at the Lakes GC. The removal of the six acres of turf will allow us to use approximately 160 sprinklers from the Lakes GC at the Vistas GC VIP Phase II. Each sprinkler is worth $260 if purchased new. By reusing these sprinkler heads from the Lakes GC to the Vistas GC we are able to complete both projects (dual sprinkler heads at Vistas greens and turf reduction at Lakes) for the price of one.  This is an example of having two important projects fulfilled through coordination, timing and recycling of equipment.  A real win/win for WBVGC.

A major benefit for removing non playable turf at the Lakes GC is the reduction of water usage. After attending the State of Arizona Water Summit Meeting this summer and talking to several water resource officials, it is without question that the State of Arizona will be implementing a stricter Drought Contingency Plan in the near future. I and the board feel that being proactive in this matter is the best way for us to avoid future issues as the state continues to review ways of reducing water usage to businesses such as golf courses, parks, and businesses with high water usage landscaping. We will be replacing these turf areas with low water usage trees and shrubs that will continue to provide beauty to our golf course.

With all these positive changes happening at WBVGC, it definitely is an exciting time to be a member here.

David Escobedo GCS    

Business Associate Members

We are a membership based Arizona golf club providing an amazing experience for your golf lifestyle.

Lakes: 19260 N. Westbrook Parkway
Vistas: 18823 N. Country Club Parkway

Phone: +1 623 566 4548 - Contact Us

Upcoming Events
  • 02.20 - Lakes Double SG
  • 02.20 - Spot on Grips at Vistas 10am-2pm
  • 02.20 - XXIO Fitting at Vistas
  • 02.21 - 18-Hole Couples @ Vistas
  • 02.21 - 9-Hole Couples @ Vistas Back