Westbrook Village

WBVGC:  Members Only Until April 30 - Lakes Course Flyover, Opens Saturday - Potential Frost On Thursday with a Full Tee-Sheet


Our Lakes course is coming along great. The weather has been pretty cool, but the grass is growing well. Take a look at its progress 10 days after dropping seed and 8 days before we open when filmed this past Friday, October 28th. The Lakes Course opens this Saturday, November 5.

Semi Annual Membership and Members Only Starts Today
Today is November 1 and this means our Semi-Annual membership is now in their free play window through April 30. In addition, the club is now officially fully private until May 1.

No Charter League Play November 1 - 4
This week is an odd week where we have all memberships active but only one course open. To help facilitate members and tee-time requests we are having no charter league play Tuesday, November 1 through Friday, November 4. Both courses will be open on Saturday, November 5 and we will resume charter league play with the Lakes course being cart path only.

As our membership has grown quite steadily over the past few seasons, especially in the Annual and Semi Annual Categories, we will be continuing this practice annually for the first week of November.

Winter is Coming

It is supposed to potentially freeze this coming Thursday. We had a full request log for Thursday and had to prep the tee-sheet with a double shotgun. As the weather is supposed to be extremely cold, please make sure to call or check online for frost delays before heading to the course.

Frost Delay Policy
In order to provide equal opportunity for playing time to both morning and afternoon players, the following policy will apply when play is delayed due to frost.  

  • The Golf Shop will maintain a log of frost delays for both golf courses.
  • The Golf Course Superintendent will determine the length of each frost delay.
  • The first frost delay on a given day of the week of the winter golf season will have a PLAN A in effect. Under PLAN A, all tee times will be delayed by the length of the morning frost delay. In this case, depending on the length of delay, scheduled afternoon golfers may not have available daylight to complete 18 holes of play. 
  • The second instance a frost delay on a given day of the week for either course "where afternoon times will not finish before dark"PLAN B will be in effect.  Under PLAN B, all scheduled tee times prior to the lifting of the frost delay will be cancelled.  For example, if the Golf Course Superintendent determines the course is available for play beginning at 9 A.M., then players scheduled for 9 A.M. will be the first tee time for that day. All scheduled tee times earlier than 9 A.M. will be cancelled, resulting in no delays for the remainder of the day.  Those players, whose tee times were cancelled due to the frost delay, may choose to play at an available tee time later in the day.  
  • The remainder of the winter golf season at each course will alternate between PLAN A and PLAN B.  The Golf Shop will determine if PLAN A or PLAN B will be in effect on a daily basis for each course based on the above parameters. 

Exceptions to the above policy will be made for Charter League play.  Charter League play days at each course will follow PLAN A, and all other tee times will be delayed at the course(s) where the Charter Leagues is playing.  If a Charter League is using one course and there is no Association play at the other course, the alternating PLAN A or PLAN B will be in effect according to the frost delay log maintained by the Golf Shop.

What will the next frost delay be? As there have been no delays this season, the next frost delay will be a Plan A at each course.

Day of Week Vistas Lakes
Monday Plan A Plan A
Tuesday (Association Play) Plan A Plan A
Wednesday (Association Play) Plan A Plan A
Thursday Plan A Plan A
Friday (Association Play) Plan A Plan A
Saturday (Association Play) Plan A Plan A
Sunday Plan A Plan A


Please continue to fill your divots and fix yours and others' ball marks. Our cart path restrictions were removed last week, so it should be a little easier to now have divot mix present after your shot. If you fill yours as well as another, we should soon have no divots to fill other than new ones we make :)

Help out the club and volunteer to be on one of our divot repair teams. Bob Jungbluth and Dwight Groves do an outstanding job each season recruiting fellow members to help keep the courses beautiful.

Lakes Divot Repair Team Contact
Robert Jungbluth
507 363 9004

Vistas Divot Repair Team Contact
Dwight Groves
507 573 2935


We are only a few days away from having both courses open again. The next couple of days will put a bit of a strain on the tee-sheet. Once both courses are open we will have a couple weeks of high demand for the course without cart restrictions. Please have patience during this time as the golf shop will do the best they can to assist the Chelsea tee-time draw in fairly allocating tee-times.

We are looking forward to a great season during FY2023!


Business Associate Members

We are a membership based Arizona golf club providing an amazing experience for your golf lifestyle.

Lakes: 19260 N. Westbrook Parkway
Vistas: 18823 N. Country Club Parkway

Phone: +1 623 566 4548 - Contact Us

Upcoming Events
  • 07.27 - Weekend Men @ Vistas
  • 07.29 - Vistas Closed
  • 07.30 - Vistas Closed
  • 07.30 - Albertsons Group - Lakes Front
  • 07.30 - 18 Women @ Lakes