Westbrook Village

WBVGC: Greens and Grounds Update - Spring is Here - The Bermuda Grass is Waking Up


It’s hard to believe, but spring is upon us already. With temperatures close to the 80s we can see the plants and flowers coming out of dormancy. This includes the Bermuda grass (summer grass). The Vistas Course has a great jump on summer transition as many of the fairways are already 40% to 50% Bermuda. The Lakes Course is coming along too but will need our assistance to push it through. The next several weeks will be critical in the summer transition process. With that being said we will be lowering the height of cut at both courses to assist the Bermuda grass. We will also be doing a light vertical mowing (verti-cutting) at the Lakes Course to expose the coming Bermuda to sunlight. The more sunlight we provide the faster the transition process will be. I do not believe we will need to vertical mow the fairways at the Vistas Course at this time.

As the Bermuda grass comes out of dormancy it is important that we provide enough sunlight and moisture to keep the Bermuda grass growing. Doing so will help us have a much better transition from winter grass to summer grass. Without these procedures the Bermuda grass will not thrive which will lead to issues that will prolong the transition process which will also impacts next seasons overseed.

Another aspect to the spring warm up is that we will no longer be adding seed to the divot mix. The divot mix will now be straight sand. 

I hope that everyone will continue to enjoy both golf courses and the beautiful weather that accompanies it.

Business Associate Members

We are a membership based Arizona golf club providing an amazing experience for your golf lifestyle.

Lakes: 19260 N. Westbrook Parkway
Vistas: 18823 N. Country Club Parkway

Phone: +1 623 566 4548 - Contact Us

Upcoming Events
  • 09.18 - Vistas Closed
  • 09.18 - MGA @ Lakes
  • 09.20 - Foster Group (Vistas)
  • 09.20 - 18-Hole Couples @ Vistas
  • 09.21 - Empire Cat @ Vistas